Clearing / Chipping / Mulching (Including Shrubs & Brush).
Throughout any works undertaken, Coastal Tree Services Wellington Ltd offer clearing services, which include chipping and mulching of all debris. We also offer these services as required, regardless of whether major tree work has been undertaken.
We are fully equipped with machinery that can turn branches into wood chips, which are ideal for garden mulch. Mulch helps to retain water in the soil and reduces the amount of watering required. Due to water shortages over the summer period a number of our clients, including councils, request the mulch to be left for gardening purposes. Where the mulch isn’t required we are more than happy to remove it for you.
As well as being great for the garden, by chipping most of the braches and foliage into wood chips we are offering a more environmentally friendly solution for the removal of such debris. By the chipping of a branch, you are reducing its volume by a third, and transforming it into a usable garden product.